Friday 20 November 2015



ALL semester Notes You can Download Here...Notes will be very simple.It Contains Important Concept , Block Diagram and Sub headings....It is very useful during exam time to study....

Semester – 1
HS6151 Technical English
MA6151 Mathematics
PH6151 Engineering Physics
CY6151 Engineering Chemistry
GE6151 Computer Programming
GE6152 Engineering Graphics
Semester – 2
HS6251 Technical English
MA6251 Mathematics
PH6251 Engineering Physics
CY6251 Engineering Chemistry
EC6201 Electronic Devices
EE6201 Circuit Theory
Semester – 3
MA6351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equations EE6352 Electrical Engineering and Instrumentation EC6301 Object Oriented Programming and Data Structures
EC6302 Digital Electronics
EC6304 Electronic Circuits- I
Semester – 4
MA6451 Probability and Random Processes
EC6401 Electronic Circuits II
EC6402 Communication Theory
EC6403 Electromagnetic Fields
EC6404 Linear Integrated Circuits
EC6405 Control System Engineering
Semester – 5
EC6501 Digital Communication
EC6503 Transmission Lines and Wave Guides
GE6351 Environmental Science and Engineering
EC6504 Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Semester – 6
MG6851 Principles of Management
CS6303 Computer Architecture
CS6551 Computer Networks
EC6601 VLSI Design
EC6602 Antenna and Wave propagation
Elective I
Semester – 7
EC6701 RF and Microwave Engineering
EC6702 Optical Communication and Networks
EC6703 Embedded and Real Time Systems
Elective II
Elective III
Elective IV
Semester – 8
EC6801 Wireless Communication
EC6802 Wireless Networks
Elective V
Elective VI
Elective -I
EC6001 Medical Electronics
EC6002 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
CS6401 Operating Systems
EC6003 Robotics and Automation
Elective -II
EC6004 Satellite Communication
EC6005 Electronic Testing
EC6006 Avionics
CS6012 Soft Computing
IT6005 Digital Image Processing
CS6013 Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development
Elective -III
EC6007 Speech Processing
EC6008 Web Technology
EC6009 Advanced Computer Architecture
EC 6010 Electronics Packaging
EC6011 Electro Magnetic Interference and Compatibility
Elective -IV
EC6012 CMOS Analog IC Design
EC6013 Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
EC6014 Cognitive Radio
EC6015 Radar and Navigational Aids
EC6016 Opto Electronic Devices
Elective -V
EC6017 RF System Design
CS6003 Ad hoc and Sensors Networks
GE6082 Indian Constitution and Society
EC6018 Multimedia Compression and Communication
GE6075 Professional Ethics in Engineering
GE6083 Disaster Management
Elective -VI
EC6019 Data Converters
CS6701 Cryptography and Network Security
GE6757 Total Quality Management
MG6071 Entrepreneurship Development
MG6088 Software Project Management
GE6084 Human Rights

Thursday 12 November 2015


Signals Basic Types

Here are a few basic signals:

Unit Step Function

Unit step function is denoted by u(t). It is defined as u(t) = {10t0t<0
Unit Step Function
  • It is used as best test signal.
  • Area under unit step function is unity.

Unit Impulse Function

Impulse function is denoted by δ(t). and it is defined as δ(t) = {10t=0t0
Unit Impulse Function


Ramp Signal

Ramp signal is denoted by r(t), and it is defined as r(t) = {t0t0t<0
Ramp Signal


Area under unit ramp is unity.

Parabolic Signal

Parabolic signal can be defined as x(t) = {t2/20t0t<0
Parabolic Signal



Signum Function

Signum function is denoted as sgn(t). It is defined as sgn(t) = 101t>0t=0t<0

Signum Function
sgn(t) = 2u(t) – 1

Exponential Signal

Exponential signal is in the form of x(t) = eαt.
The shape of exponential can be defined by α.
Case i: if α = 0  x(t) = e0 = 1
Exponential signal
Case ii: if α < 0 i.e. -ve then x(t) = eαt. The shape is called decaying exponential.
Exponential signal
Case iii: if α > 0 i.e. +ve then x(t) = eαt. The shape is called raising exponential.
Exponential signal

Rectangular Signal

Let it be denoted as x(t) and it is defined as
Rectangular signal

Triangular Signal

Let it be denoted as x(t)
Triangular signal

Sinusoidal Signal

Sinusoidal signal is in the form of x(t) = A cos(w0±ϕ) or A sin(w0±ϕ)
Sinusoidal signal
Where T0 = 2πw0

Sinc Function

It is denoted as sinc(t) and it is defined as sinc

=0for t=±1,±2,±3...

Sinc Function

Sampling Function

It is denoted as sa(t) and it is defined as

=0for t=±π,±2π,±3π...

Sampling Function